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資助計畫 | Grants

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CLP Energy Saving Plan


The newly launched Electrical Equipment Upgrade Scheme provides subsidies to commercial and industrial customers to replace or upgrade their electrical equipment to more energy efficient models, for both retrofit and new installations.





The Hong Kong Green Building Council has coordinated with different parties to provide tax incentives and funding assistance for BEAM Plus project applicants. Capital expenditure incurred in the installation/construction of energy efficient building installations registered under HKEERSB is eligible for accelerated deduction under profits tax.


智惜用電基金 (港燈) | 



Effective from 1 January 2019, the next phase of Smart Power Building Fund provides subsidies to building owners for enhancing the energy efficiency performance of building services installations for communal use.

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CLP Energy Saving Plan​ Form

*查詢表* 中電新推出的節能設備升級計劃,資助工商客戶更換或添置具更高能源效益的設備,包括改裝及新添置的項目。

*ENQUIRY FORM*  The newly launched Electrical Equipment Upgrade Scheme provides subsidies to commercial and industrial customers to replace or upgrade their electrical equipment to more energy efficient models, for both retrofit and new installations.

BEAM Plus Overview Head

綠建環評資助計劃 (中電)

BEAM Plus Subsidy


CLP Subsidy Scheme for BEAM Plus aims to encourage greater energy efficiency in Hong Kong buildings. Subsidy of assessment fees are available to eligible organisations which achieve ratings of "Excellent" or "Very Good" under the Energy Use Aspect of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Selective Scheme. For more details with regards to eligibility for the scheme


智惜用電關懷基金 (港燈) | 



HK Electric has set up Smart Power Care Fund to subsidise  disadvantaged households to save energy and improve electrical safety. Eligible households living in HK Electric's supply area may apply for a one-off subsidy up to HK$5,000





The SDF has been established with a sum of $100 million to provide a source of financial support for initiatives that will help develop a strong public awareness of the principles of sustainable development and to encourage sustainable practices in Hong Kong.


綠適樓宇基金 (中電) 

Eco Building Fund

中電「綠適樓宇基金」資助商場、屋苑及工商業樓宇,進行節能改善工程,包括更換空調及照明系統、重新校驗項目和安裝智能設備, 以提升能源效益及節省開支。

The CLP Eco Building Fund provides subsidies for energy-saving improvement works in shopping malls, residential buildings, and commercial and industrial buildings. This includes the installation of air-conditioning and lighting and retro-commissioning works, as well as smart equipment to increase energy efficiency, reduce electricity expenses and help us build a smarter, greener Hong Kong.

Hong Kong - China 

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